Advanced Life Support 2

Course Summary

In this second part (of a two part) course on Advanced Life Support we focus our attention on the ALS algorithm to build understanding of the procedure for initiating ALS and differentiating the treatment of cardiac arrest into shockable and non-shockable management pathways.

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Course Description

In this second part (of a two part) course on Advanced Life Support we focus our attention on the ALS algorithm to build understanding of the procedure for initiating ALS and differentiating the treatment of cardiac arrest into shockable and non-shockable management pathways. We explore in greater detail the role, procedure and risks of electrical defibrillation and consider management of the reversible causes for cardiac arrest. In the final part of the course we consider the management of the patient who is successfully resuscitated with a specific focus on the basics such as airway, breathing and circulation and the role of targeted temperature management in the patient who remains comatose post shockable arrest. The case scenario in this course illustrates the management of cardiac arrest due to a non-shockable rhythm and the decision to stop CPR.

The course begins with an eTutorial that explores the core knowledge required for advanced life support and is then followed by an interactive case scenario that allows you to apply the theory to the practical care of an arrest victim. A final quiz allows you to assess your mastery of the topic.

Topics covered in this course include:

  • ALS Algorithm – shockable and nonshockable pathways
  • Role, procedure and complications of electrical defibillation
  • Classification and management of reversible causes
  • Managing the patient with return of spontaneous circulation
  • Managing arrest due to non-shockable rhythm
  • Deciding when to cease CPR

Course Contents
Advanced Life Support 2
ALS2 Case Study
ALS2 Quiz