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Australian College of Applied Psychology

We’ve designed an approach to learning, which allows you to put the theory you learn straight into practice.

Whether you want to build more effective communication and team management skills, or get the qualifications you need to practice as a counsellor or coach, we will ensure you are ready to make a difference from the moment you graduate.

Counselling at ACAP - Would you like to help people overcome everyday challenges in their lives, from relationship problems, stress and health issues to career planning? ACAP’s counselling degrees and diplomas will give you the practical skills you need.

Psychology at ACAP - Are you interested in finding out about why people behave the way they do? Are you fascinated by the human mind? From 2011 ACAP will offer qualifications in psychology recognised by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council that sets standards for psychology education in Australasia. The new courses will be offered through the School of Psychological Sciences at our Sydney campus. If you are interested in a career in psychology, our courses may be just what you are searching for.

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Australian College of Applied Psychology is an Education Provider
Campus Locations
Australian College of Applied Psychology Locked Bag 11 , Strawberry Hills, New South Wales 2012

Ph: 02996463354

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