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QUT - Queensland University of Technology

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a leading university which combines academic strength with practical engagement in the world of the professions, industry, government, and the broader community. As a university for the real world, QUT offers career-orientated and stimulating education which guides graduates in their chosen career path.

Located at QUT’s Kelvin Grove and Caboolture campuses, the Faculty of Health offers a range of coursework and research programs that significantly contribute to the improvement of health care and services in the community.

Undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs incorporating hands-on clinical and practical placements are available in the areas of human movement studies; nursing and midwifery; optometry; public health (including nutrition, dietetics, podiatry and paramedic); psychology and counselling; and social work and human services.

The Faculty is committed to high quality research that is innovative and multidisciplinary facilitated through its Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation. Core research strengths include ageing, physical activity, human health and wellbeing, human behaviour, vision performance and improvement, social work, and accident and injury prevention.

QUT’s Faculty of Health offers students the opportunity to undertake innovative courses and cutting edge interdisciplinary research programs with the support of world class academic staff, and a commitment to improving human health and wellbeing, and Australia’s healthcare policy.

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QUT - Queensland University of Technology is an Education Provider
Campus Locations
QUT - Queensland University of Technology GPO Box 2434 , Brisbane, Queensland 4000

Ph: 07 3138 3824

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