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Job Application

Enrolled Nurse, (Nursing)

Omega Medical Pty Ltd - 10-10-2024

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Contact Name: Lucy Murray

Contact Email: lucy@ome

Contact Phone: 02 8081 0283

Speciality: Enrolled Nurse in Aged Care

Grade: RN Grade 1 - Enrolled Nurse

Rate: Base rate $58-65 per hour including super. Premium hours paid.

Dates: 16/09/2024 - 15/10/2024

Travel: Must drive own car. Fuel will be reimbursed upon receipt, up to $250 each way.

Accommodation: Private room in a shared nursing unit. Fully furnished, self-contained house/unit.

Client Description: Small aged care facility in need of ENs to work amongst the team of nurses and care workers for short-term contracts. NDIS, WWCC, NCRC and full immunisation screening required. 12 months minimum aged care experience required.