Practice Nursing
More GP funding needed for nation's health AAP - 28-09-2022
Doctor's fees will rise and general practices will close across the country unless government boosts investment in the sector, Australia's peak body for GPs says.
Practice Articles
Nurses must practice self care or risk physical consequences Nicole Madigan - 18-10-2019
While nursing is one of the world’s most rewarding careers, a significant downside can be time away from those you love the most - and without proper self-care, the
Advance care and palliative care planning for general practice nurses Karen Keast - 14-03-2017
How Practice Nurses Contribute To Preventative Healthcare Health Insights - 13-06-2017
Guidance Articles
Practice Nurse Salaries HealthTimes - 03-12-2015
General practice nursing is the fastest growing area within the healthcare sector with over 60% of Australian GP clinics now employing a practice nurse. As

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