Australians are at greater risk of osteoarthritis AAP - 13-05-2020
A study has found Australia has among the highest rates of osteoarthritis, with cases predicted to keep rising as we get both larger and live longer.
Here are ways to reduce osteoarthritis pain AAP - 08-02-2018
Arthroscopic knee surgery is ineffective in treating osteoarthritis AAP - 06-02-2018
Osteoarthritis in Australia has increased due to obesity AAP - 29-05-2017
Fatty foods damaging to the cartilage in your knees and other joints AAP - 19-04-2017
Practice Articles
Valuable rheumatology nursing needs a boost Sharon Smith - 17-11-2017
Australians with arthritis are not getting the care they need, according to a report commissioned by Arthritis Australia. CEO of Arthritis Australia Ainslie Cahill said chronic,
Guidance Articles
Understanding arthritis - treatments and pathophysiology Health Insights - 14-09-2017
Arthritis is a blanket term which refers to a range of musculoskeletal diseases where cartilage is damaged and joint function is impeded. While it is commonly referred to
A brief overview of rheumatology and arthritis Health Insights - 23-05-2017
Advanced scope physiotherapy's new role in rheumatology Karen Keast - 14-03-2017
What is a Rheumatologist? HealthTimes - 29-09-2015
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