Removing sex and gender bias to improve care, starting with COVID-19 Health Times - 29-06-2020
The novel coronavirus is the latest example of a disease that affects men and women differently – although more women are being infected with COVID-19, in many countries
Australians 'do the right thing' when following COVID-19 advice Health Times - 29-06-2020
A survey of 1420 Australians conducted at the height of the pandemic shows the majority changed their behaviour to be socially responsible, even when the threat seemed low.
7 lessons for Australia's health system from the coronavirus upheaval Health Times - 24-06-2020
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us all to change the way we live. The lockdown altered fundamental aspects of our lives, not only to protect our own health but also
CSIRO study reveals COVID-19's impact on weight and emotional wellbeing Health Times - 18-06-2020
A new study by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, has found that weight and emotional wellbeing has suffered throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, with Australians
Heading back to the gym? Here's how to avoid injury after coronavirus isolation Health Times - 15-06-2020
To the joy of many, indoor gyms are reopening across Australia as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease.
Stop asking for COVID-19 clearance "certificates" Health Times - 15-06-2020
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has called on employers, school principals and day care managers to stop requiring employees, students and parents
Parents concerned children could catch COVID-19 at school Health Times - 11-06-2020
Parents of school-aged children were very concerned that their children may catch COVID-19 if schools were reopened at Alert Level 3 despite no evidence supporting this view,
More support needed for GPs on the frontline of COVID-19 Health Times - 11-06-2020
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is urging government to provide more support for GPs protecting patients during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Cutting through COVID-19 myths with science communication Health Times - 09-06-2020
Associate Professor Darren Saunders is known for keeping misinformation in check and helping the public to better understand science. The medical researcher
Experts urgently calling for global infection control reform in hospitals & aged care facilities Health Times - 05-06-2020
World leaders in infection control and disease prevention are convening today at the Inaugural iClean 2020 conference to discuss innovative infection control reform in hospitals
According to research, winter time could be COVID-19 time AAP - 02-06-2020
People could be at greater risk of contracting COVID-19 in winter, according to research that's linked lower humidity to the spread of the virus.
Australian data shows children at low risk of COVID-19 infection Health Times - 28-05-2020
In the first 30 days since seeing their first patient, the number of children testing positive to COVID-19 at an Australian tertiary paediatric hospital has been low and none
Local company helps Australia become crisis-ready for potential second COVID-19 wave Health Times - 25-05-2020
A Brisbane company has designed and built specialised ‘negative pressure’ portable hospital rooms made from shipping containers that can be delivered anywhere
Do not use hydroxychloroquine to "cure" COVID-19 Health Times - 25-05-2020
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has urged Australians not to seek out or use hydroxychloroquine to “cure” or “prevent”
COVID-19: frontline nurse & influencer uses social media platforms to support colleagues Health Times - 25-05-2020
A nurse and social media influencer has used his platform to encourage the donation of products to help support nurses on the frontline of COVID-19 testing
Two in three volunteers stopped vital work due to COVID-19 Health Times - 25-05-2020
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the economic and social benefits generated by the roughly seven million Australians who volunteer for an organisation or group, new
How coronavirus could forever change home health care Health Times - 20-05-2020
Physicians, health care experts and the media spent considerable time focused on hospital capacity since the start of the COVID-19 crisis. Nursing homes received
Health-care workers share our trauma during the coronavirus pandemic - on top of their own Health Times - 19-05-2020
Health-care staff are trained to deal with whatever comes through the hospital doors. But COVID-19 is a completely different ballgame.
COVID-19 disruption will lead to 28 million surgeries being cancelled worldwide Health Times - 18-05-2020
The CovidSurg Collaborative has projected that, based on a 12-week period of peak disruption to hospital services due to COVID-19, 28.4 million elective surgeries worldwide
Research shows true impact of COVID on our wellbeing Health Times - 18-05-2020
Sydney, 14th May 2020: As Australia emerges from lockdown and adjusts to the reality of social distancing at home, work and in public, a significant number are seeing that

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