Exercise Physiology
Virtual coach launches to help weight loss AAP - 05-01-2022
New year, new you - and now - new technology promises to assist Australians with their fitness and weight loss goals. Australia's government research organisation
UNSW Sydney study busts fat burning myth Haley Williams - 28-11-2021
A UNSW Sydney study published in Sports Medicine suggests that fat-loss is not only possible
Olympic athletes excel at their sports but are susceptible to unproven alternative therapies HealthTimes - 09-11-2021
Australian Olympic swimmer Kyle Chalmers earned a silver medal and his personal-best time in the 100-meter freestyle event at the 2021 Tokyo Games.
How your genes influence whether a certain type of exercise works for you HealthTimes - 09-11-2021
Genetics have a significant influence on many aspects of our life – from our height and eye colour, our weight,
To stretch or not to stretch before exercise: What you need to know about warm-ups Health Times - 09-03-2021
Over the past 20 years, static muscle stretching has gotten a bad rap. Once considered an essential part of any sport or exercise warm-up, static stretching has
Planning on running a marathon? A sports dietitian's advice Health Times - 10-02-2021
Did you make a New Year’s resolution to run a marathon? Or perhaps you’ve conquered a marathon and want to take on an even longer event?
Exercise for low back pain beneficial but no one agrees on why Health Times - 11-01-2021
A new UNSW evidence review has found there is still no consensus between researchers about why exercise works for low back pain patients – despite decades of studies
Feeling sore after exercise? Here's what science suggests helps (and what doesn't) Health Times - 08-12-2020
Have you been hitting the gym again with COVID restrictions easing? Or getting back into running, cycling, or playing team sports?
Get fit with HIIT in time for summer Health Times - 20-11-2020
Short bursts of intense exercise – known as HIIT – could help you get back into shape by summer and stay that way, a UNSW Sydney exercise physiology researcher
Should I stop running if my knee hurts? Health Times - 15-09-2020
The most common site for pain in recreational runners is the knee. For some, especially older runners, the pain can be a symptom of osteoarthritis. But does running
Grab a rope: seven reasons why skipping is so good for you Health Times - 15-09-2020
While many of us may remember skipping as something we did as children, the pastime has regained popularity during the
Get stronger as you get older Health Times - 04-02-2020
With footballers and athletes starting to lose their edge in their early 30s, there seems to be plenty of evidence that our fitness slumps with age. For ordinary
Aqua cycling a cool trend for fitness and rehabilitation Haley Williams - 19-03-2019
Aqua cycling is gaining traction in Australia as an exercise routine that delivers maximum health benefits for minimum pain. As a country that swelters through summer, this
Fitness in midlife lowers depression and cardiovascular mortality HealthTimes - 07-03-2019
It’s widely understood that exercise benefits physical health, but increasingly research is showing that it can also ward off mental health conditions like depression
From Kilimanjaro to Everest: how fit do you have to be to climb a mountain? HealthTimes - 09-07-2018
Julien Periard, University
Study shows human muscles "talk" to other parts of the body during exercise AAP - 10-01-2018
Human muscles 'talk' to other parts of the body during exercise by dispatching protein messages that can help fight disease, a new Australian-led study shows.
Health Check: do we lose gains from exercise as our bodies get used to it? HealthTimes - 06-10-2017
Clint Miller, Deakin
Researcher puts muscle damage under the microscope Karen Keast - 14-01-2016
A New Zealand post-doctoral researcher will take up a role investigating the progressive muscle-wasting group of diseases, muscular dystrophy, in the United States this month.
Education gets clinical exercise physiology moving Karen Keast - 02-08-2016
A new specialised exercise rehabilitation clinic is working to strengthen New Zealand’s emerging clinical
Allied health students lend a helping hand in Malawi Karen Keast - 06-11-2015
Exercise physiologist Cody Waldon has a new perspective
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