Nursing Careers
What is a Critical Care or Intensive Care Nurse? HealthTimes - 19-04-2021
Critical care or ICU nursing is a specialisation of nursing which deals specifically with patients experiencing high-dependency, life –threatening conditions.
Nursing as a Career HealthTimes - 06-11-2015
A nursing career in Australia offers the opportunity to join one of the most highly regarded and trusted fraternities of working professionals in the world, and to make a
History of Nursing in New Zealand HealthTimes - 16-04-2015
A history of nursing in New Zealand begins in the 1800s. The first hospital was established in Auckland in 1850. There were also informal basic cottage
How to become a nurse practitioner HealthTimes - 19-04-2021
To become a nurse pracitioner, nurses will need to complete a relevant Masters degree and at least 3 years advanced practice training which demonstrates that they meet the
How to become a nurse HealthTimes - 26-04-2021
Becoming a Nurse - What path will you take? Becoming a nurse is probably one of the most personally and professionally rewarding jobs
Working abroad as a nurse HealthTimes - 13-05-2015
Many Australian nurses are looking to career opportunities overeas to expand upon their clinical skills, but also take the opportunity to travel the world. Nina Hendy
The challenges of nurse management HealthTimes - 16-04-2015
While the role of manager can be one of the most rewarding in the nursing and allied health professions, it pays to be aware of some of the ongoing challenges affecting leadership
Nurses are you coming to America? Karen Keast - 16-04-2015
Nurses wanting to work in the United States often hit a brick wall of stringent standards but it is possible for Australian and New Zealand nurses to secure work in the land
What is a Clinical Nurse Specialist? HealthTimes - 08-08-2017
A Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is a registered nurse who is recognised as a senior member of staff across all areas of practice but particularly in acute care.
Nursing in Australia HealthTimes - 17-02-2017
To work as a nurse anywhere in Australia, you need to apply for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Once you have that registration, it is valid
Polysomnographic Nursing Karen Keast - 16-04-2015
Polysomnographic (PSG) nurses or technicians are relatively new to the health workplace and are in increasing demand. PSG technicians investigate sleep disorders.
How to make your nursing job application stand out Karen Keast - 02-08-2016
The old adage goes ‘you only get one chance to make a first impression’. So, it’s important to get it right when it comes to your nursing job application,
How nurses can nourish themselves through shift work hours Karen Keast - 16-04-2015
Research shows job stress and shift work is contributing to obesity among nurses in America. While there is no known study linking obesity to shift work in Australia, nurses
Australia's chief nurse Dr Rosemary Bryant: My career as a nurse leader Karen Keast - 21-04-2015
How do you become a nurse leader on a national and international scale? Karen Keast profiles the illustrious career of Australia’s preeminent nurse
Volunteer Nursing with Breakaway HealthTimes - 22-04-2015
Why Breakaway! Well some years ago a friend told me about the voluntary work that she did at a wonderful place called Breakaway. Her Breakaway experience had
How to choose a nursing agency HealthTimes - 14-08-2015
Whether working full time, or just part time to supplement your income, Agency nursing gives nurses the flexibility to choose when and where they want to work their shifts.
Making a career change Karen Keast - 26-04-2021
The beginning of a new year is often a good time to reassess your aspirations and career goals. But where do you start? These experts’ tips will set you on the journey
What is forensic nursing? Karen Keast - 30-11-2020
Forensic nursing is an established and growing specialty area of nursing practice in Australia. But it’s not quite like how it’s portrayed in American television

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