Workplace Conditions
Subsidised nannies for nurses, midwives and paramedics Karen Keast - 28-04-2015
Shift-working nurses, midwives and paramedics can apply to access subsidised nannies for childcare at home, under a new Federal Government trial. The $246 million
Qld children's hospital opening slammed AAP - 31-03-2015
A report into the much-maligned early operations of the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital in Brisbane found a long list of problems from missing medical records to disoriented
Swiss target 'live cell' injection clinics AAP - 27-03-2015
Swiss health regulators have launched a criminal probe into clinics suspected of giving clients potentially dangerous animal cell injections as part of anti-ageing treatments.
Male nurses earn more than female nurses Karen Keast - 02-08-2016
Male nurses are earning an average of $5100 more a year than female nurses despite working in a female-dominated profession, according to new research to come out of the United
Baird promises 3500 doctors, health staff AAP - 18-03-2015
The NSW coalition has rolled hundreds of millions more in spending pledges for health services on the 2015 campaign trail. The NSW government
Qld govt 'lowering the bar' on health: LNP AAP - 11-03-2015
The Queensland government will scrap Australia's first elective surgery wait time guarantee and allocate $30 million to address current wait list blowouts.
NSW hospital waiting times down: data AAP - 04-03-2015
Admissions to NSW hospitals are up but emergency waiting times are improving, new data shows. NSW hospital waiting times have dropped despite
Vic hospitals had a week's cash left AAP - 03-03-2015
A report into Victoria's public hospitals has highlighted many are in a precarious financial position. Cash levels at 12 Victorian public
More graduate nurses employed in New Zealand Karen Keast - 24-07-2015
An extra 163 graduate nurses have been employed in New Zealand compared to the same time last year. Ministry of Health figures show a total of 868 graduates,
Nurses campaign for patients before profits Karen Keast - 13-04-2015
Australians face sky-high American-style treatment costs if governments continue to privatise hospitals and health services. That’s the message from the
When is a good time to talk to a financial planner? HealthTimes - 17-02-2015
In this three-part series, we explore how pathologist assistant Georgie and her husband Nate can make the most out of their income and how financial advice can improve their
Nursing shortage expected to worsen HealthTimes - 03-12-2015
Australian nurses are feeling disheartened and underappreciated with several surveys finding increasing
Who should fix the grad nursing crisis? Karen Keast - 21-04-2015
The Australian Nursing Federation is upping the ante in its campaign to help nursing graduates secure
WA nurses to be the highest paid in Australia Karen Keast - 27-05-2015
Western Australian nurses have won their fight to become the highest paid nurses
UK Government to ban public sector pension transfers HealthTimes - 16-04-2015
On Wednesday 19th March the Chancellor of the Exchequer – George Osborne unveiled the most radical reformation of the UK pension regime, dwarfing the A-day changes announced
More health risks for nurses working night shifts Karen Keast - 14-01-2015
A large study in the United States has found nurses working rotating night shifts face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. The study
Nurses urge world leaders to help West Africa Karen Keast - 13-11-2014
Liberian health workers have resorted to using plastic bags at times to protect themselves against the deadly Ebola virus. Speaking via video link as part of
Nurses say tougher penalties are not the answer Karen Keast - 29-10-2014
The Queensland Nurses’ Union says the state government’s new double penalty laws will do little to deter violent offenders who are often not competent to stand
Smaller pay rise for Queensland nurses and midwives Karen Keast - 30-09-2014
More than 33,000 Queensland public sector nurses and midwives will receive a 2.2 per cent pay rise from April next year, less than the three previous years’ pay rises
The Quiet Leader and the Graduate HealthTimes - 24-09-2014
There are many people involved with the transition from university student to health professional, and it is at this time of the year that preceptors, mentors, educators and

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