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  • Reimagining Indigenous Healthcare: Dr. Paul Saunders' Educational Mission

    Author: Rahima Saikal

Dr. Paul Saunders, a Biripi man, is a Western Sydney Aboriginal scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) as well as a Master of Public Health (MPH). He is currently pursuing a PhD in Medical Education at Western Sydney University. Dr. Paul's PhD is focused on transforming the alignment of the current medical system with the expectations of Indigenous communities. He aims to facilitate lasting change within the medical workforce rather than implement isolated changes.

During his clinical practice, Dr. Paul was confronted with the stark reality of the poor statistics surrounding Indigenous healthcare, patient experiences, and outcomes. It was a wake-up call that making a meaningful change couldn't be left to the practice level alone. This realisation propelled him into the research space, where he works tirelessly to address these issues.

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Dr. Paul advocates for culturally responsive education to prioritise cultural safety in medical students' work ethic. In addition to pursuing his PhD, he completed the Professional Certificate of Indigenous Research to complement his research. This program aims to educate Indigenous students on navigating the Western research system while maintaining a focus on and incorporating Indigenous research practices and methods of inquiry.

Dr. Paul is deeply concerned that the medical education system in Australia does not fully recognise or value Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing. He is determined to change this, not just for the present, but to create a positive change that will benefit Indigenous generations for years. His work is not just about the here and now but about shaping a brighter future for Indigenous healthcare.


General Practitioner
Frontline Health Auckland
Paediatrics Registrar
Omega Medical Pty Ltd


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Rahima Saikal

Rahima Saikal is a freelance journalist and content creator and has been working in the media industry for 10+ years all around the world.

Rahima enjoys writing about healthcare, wellness, travel and social change movements, particularly animal rights.

Having written numerous articles for both print and online publications, Rahima is well versed in what makes a good story.

Rahima lives between Bali and Australia with her family and 3 Bali dogs.