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  • A day in the life of a geriatrician in Australia

    Author: Rahima Saikal

The role of a geriatrician is both rewarding and challenging, requiring a blend of medical expertise, compassion, and a deep understanding of the unique needs of older patients. In Australia, where the population is aging rapidly, geriatricians play a crucial role in ensuring quality care for this demographic.

Paul, a dedicated geriatrician with over two decades of experience in New South Wales, reflects on his journey into this specialty. As a school student, he always envisioned a career in medicine, but it was his time spent with his grandfather in a nursing home that solidified his passion for geriatric care.

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“Spending countless hours with my grandfather while studying medicine in Sydney truly ignited my desire to help older people,” Paul shares. “I love my job, and every day is fairly varied, which keeps me engaged.”

Paul’s day typically begins at 7:30 AM with a team meeting at the hospital. This meeting includes a diverse group of healthcare professionals—nurses, social workers, and allied health staff—who discuss the cases of older patients recently admitted for various reasons, from falls to chronic illness exacerbations.

After the meeting, Paul embarks on his ward rounds. Here, he assesses his patients, checking their medical progress and addressing any concerns they or their families may have.


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“I enjoy spending time with my patients. Building rapport is vital because many older patients can find it difficult to open up, especially if they have complex medical histories,” he notes.

Throughout the day, Paul collaborates closely with a multidisciplinary team to ensure that each patient receives comprehensive care. This team includes occupational therapists, pharmacists, and dietitians, all of whom contribute valuable insights into the patient’s treatment plans.

“We all bring different expertise to the table,” Paul explains. “For example, occupational therapists may suggest adaptive tools to improve a patient’s mobility, while pharmacists help manage medication regimens to avoid adverse interactions. This teamwork is essential for providing holistic care.”

In the afternoon, Paul typically meets with outpatients facing chronic health issues, such as dementia, diabetes, and heart disease. These consultations are critical not only for managing medical conditions but also for educating patients and their families about effective strategies for living with these challenges.

“I believe that my role as a geriatrician extends beyond just treating medical issues,” Paul emphasises. “It’s about empowering both patients and their families with the right information so they can make informed decisions about their care. If that means taking a little longer for my consultations, then so be it. The patient’s understanding and comfort are paramount.”

Amid patient interactions, Paul also attends to a considerable amount of paperwork. He meticulously documents assessments, updates care plans, and communicates with other healthcare providers. This administrative work is vital for maintaining continuity of care, especially given that older adults often have multiple health concerns requiring coordinated management.

As his day winds down, Paul reflects on the rewards of his profession. Despite the challenges—long hours, complex cases, and sometimes heart-wrenching situations—he finds immense satisfaction in witnessing improvements in his patients' quality of life.

“Every time I see a patient regain their independence or a family find peace in understanding their loved one's condition, I know I’ve made a difference,” he says.


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Rahima Saikal

Rahima Saikal is a freelance journalist and content creator and has been working in the media industry for 10+ years all around the world.

Rahima enjoys writing about healthcare, wellness, travel and social change movements, particularly animal rights.

Having written numerous articles for both print and online publications, Rahima is well versed in what makes a good story.

Rahima lives between Bali and Australia with her family and 3 Bali dogs.