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  • Urgent need: aged care providers' grim reality

    Author: AAP

A majority of aged-care providers are seriously concerned about how Australia will handle a rapidly maturing population.

The Aged and Community Care Providers Association's state of the sector survey released on Wednesday shows seven out of 10 providers worry about  the nation's readiness for an ageing population.

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Recent reforms include a $4.3 billion support at home scheme, which would see the  government cover clinical care costs to allow people to live  independently for longer, before switching to an aged-care facility.

It's estimated 1.4 million Australians will benefit from the changes  expected to come into effect from July 2025, after the government struck  a deal with the coalition.

Some 97 per cent of survey respondents were concerned about increasing costs, with half of residential providers reporting they were losing money.


The margins of home care providers declined to $1.80 per client a day in the first half of 2023/24, down from about $3.20 in 2022/23.

More than 90 per cent of providers nominated government funding as a concern with respondents noting problems were worse in regional and rural areas or 'thin' markets.

One in five smaller providers were not confident in their ability to maintain services in the next 12 months.

Association chief executive Tom Symondson said the survey revealed realities of the sector.

"This  is a report about our sector at a critical juncture in its  transformation journey, based on feedback from those that deliver care  to older Australians every day," he said.

"It comes amidst a backdrop of financial, workforce and reform challenges – all of significant magnitude.

"The  demand for aged care is also growing, highlighting the urgent need to create a system that delivers high quality care now and into the future."

Despite concerns, 51 per cent of respondents believed aged care reforms were pointing the sector in the right direction.

"Australia's population is ageing and we need to be ready," Mr Symondson said.

"It's critical that funding is sufficient to deliver care and to attract investment so we can build for the future."

Workforce shortages and ability to meet care minutes requirements were also major concerns.

"Providers  are feeling the brunt of worker shortages, with just 36 per cent  confident they would be able to recruit enough staff to meet their increased care minutes," Mr Symondson said.

"Migration settings aren't the answer, with 64 per cent unable to access the workers required under current arrangements."

Under  the government's reforms people will still have to make means-tested contributions for help as part of everyday living or support around the  house.

A lifetime contribution cap will also be raised under the changes to $130,000 for non-clinical costs.

Recent federal government data showed only 40 per cent of aged-care providers met mandatory targets for total minutes of care for residents, and for care given by registered nurses, in the three months to the end of June.

About a quarter of for-profit providers met both targets, compared with 44 per cent of not-for-profits.


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