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  • Queensland researchers developed a new tool to measure melanoma risk

    Author: AAP

A new online tool from Queensland researchers will tell people their risk level of developing deadly melanoma.

People over 40 will now be able to check their risk of developing melanoma using a new online tool designed by Queensland researchers.

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The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute developed the online test based on data from nearly 42,000 people aged from their forties to seventies.

Professor David Whiteman from QIMR Berghofer said early detection of melanoma is vital, and the tool they've developed can help people identify if they're at risk.

"It's up to individuals to talk to their doctors about whether they need regular skin checks," Professor Whiteman said.


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"This online risk predictor will help identify those people with the highest likelihood of developing melanoma so that they and their doctors can decide how to best manage their risk."

In 2018 nearly two thousand people are predicted to die from melanoma across Australia, while over 14,000 new cases are expected to be diagnosed.

Melanoma related hospital expenses cost the Australian healthcare system $201 million in 2017.

The risk predictor will be online at the QIMR website from Monday.


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