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  • Breast milk protein a clue in cancer fight

    Author: AAP

A breast milk protein that sustains life could become an important target for scientists working on anti-cancer drugs.

Research into how breast milk is produced could help in the search for a breast cancer cure.

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Melbourne scientists have discovered the protein MCL-1 is vital for keeping milk-producing cells alive and sustaining milk production in the breast.

Without milk, mammals cannot survive, making MCL-1 essential to their survival.

"The bottom line is that this is a really important survival protein in breast tissue," said Geoff Lindeman from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.


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"We've discovered that it's essentially the key protein that helps keep breast tissue alive during lactation."

Professor Lindeman said the research team found a growth factor known as EGF triggers the production of the MCL-1 protein.

"EGF and MCL-1 have been implicated in helping breast cancers grow.

"In the longer term, this work raises the question as to whether or not MCL-1 could be an important target for developing anti-cancer drugs."

The research team has spent the past 15 years investigating breast development in a bid to ultimately find a breast cancer treatment.


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