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  • Strong legs linked to mental ability

    Author: AAP

British scientists have discovered a link between strong legs and a fit brain that resists the effects of ageing.

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Scientists have discovered a link between strong legs and a fit brain that resists the effects of ageing.

Researchers found a "striking protective relationship" between more leg power and better preserved mental ability and brain structure over a period of 10 years.

The study of twins is thought to be the first to show a specific link between leg muscle force and brain performance in a normal, healthy population.


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Because pairs of identical twins share the same genes, differences between them can be traced to environmental factors, such as keeping physically fit.

"Everyone wants to know how best to keep their brain fit as they age," said lead scientist Dr Claire Steves, lecturer in twin research at King's College London.

"Identical twins are a useful comparison, as they share many factors, such as genetics and early life, which we can't change in adulthood.

"It's compelling to see such differences in cognition and brain structure in identical twins, who had different leg power 10 years before. It suggeststhat simple lifestyle changes to boost our physical activity may help to keep us both mentally and physically healthy."

The scientists studied a sample of 324 volunteer female twins with an average age of 55 over a 10-year period from 1999, looking at various factors related to health and lifestyle.

Thinking, learning and memory were measured at the beginning and end of the study. The results, published in the journal Gerontology, showed that leg power was more closely linked to age-related changes in mental function than any other lifestyle factor tested.

Leg power was measured using a pedal-pushing machine. Generally, the twin who had stronger legs at the start of the study maintained her mental ability better as she got older.
She also preserved more "grey matter" - the part of the brain consisting of the bodies of nerve cells.

Previous research suggests that physical activity directly benefits the brain. Animal studies have shown that exercising muscles releases hormones that encourage nerve cells to grow.

More work is needed to investigate links between measurements of fitness such as leg power and brain changes, and the specific ways physical activity influences brain structure and mental capacity, say the scientists.

The mechanisms involved are not fully understood and could involve factors such as immune function, blood circulation and nerve signalling.

Further research will also have to establish whether the findings can be generalised to older or male populations, said the team.


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