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  • Nurse breached boundaries, stalked former patient

    Author: AAP

A former nurse has been disqualified from practising for nine months after he overstepped boundaries with two former patients, continually contacting them and stalking one.

Craig Wilson was found to have breached professional boundaries with one patient between March and May 2019 at a drug and alcohol facility.

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The patient transferred to a rehabilitation centre in May 2019 when Wilson attempted to contact her multiple times by telephone, text message and social media and also mailed a number of gifts to her at the new facility.

Wilson phoned the rehabilitation centre in July telling staff he wanted to drop off more items, requesting his former patient be granted day leave and that he be given approval to take her out.

When he arrived the next day, Wilson was confronted by three rehabilitation centre staff, to which he admitted his behaviour was "overstepping boundaries".


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The former nurse was charged with one count of stalking his former patient in December 2019 which was resolved under a diversion program with no findings of guilt against him.

Wilson breached professional boundaries with a second patient he treated in March 2019 at the drug and alcohol centre by exchanging messages with her on social media, including inviting her to stay with him in rental accommodation.

Wilson admitted to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal that he engaged in "professional misconduct" with the two patients and accepted being reprimanded and disqualified from registering as a health practitioner for nine months.

The tribunal panel noted Wilson had completed his diversion program in May 2021 and a report from a psychologist observed he was "not only genuinely remorseful for his professional misconduct but had learned about himself".

"Given his improved insight and genuine remorse, specific deterrence has a lesser role to play when considering determinations," the panel said.

"We also note that there have been no further allegations of improper conduct."

Wilson no longer works in the drug and alcohol field and is now working for an NDIS mental health support work agency.


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