A whole of hospital approach to improving the patient journey. 26th & 27th November 2014, L’Aqua, Cockle Bay, Sydney.
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Time and time again we hear people speak of the need for transformative change across emergency departments– but they rarely offer any answers on how to achieve this.
Tackling the big issues one-by-one, you will hear from institutions that have successfully initiated change and embedded new practices.
Use the lessons they have learnt to shortcut challenges you are currently facing and walk away with a plan for institution-wide change.
Learn from other institutions that have:
Balance hospital targets with clinical safety & quality
Strengthen clinician engagement & strategic communication
Intelligent use of data to measure & improve performance
Strategies to improve patient flow
Download the agenda here
Hear key contributions from
Frank Daly, A/Chief Executive Royal Perth Group, South Metropolitan Health Service & Former State-wide Four Hour Rule Program Clinical Lead, WA
Kate Brockman, Advisor, Whole of Hospital Program NSW Ministry of Health & Former Four Hour Rule Program Lead Royal Perth Hospital, WA
Andrew Stripp, Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Operating Officer, Alfred Health, VIC
Michele Franks, Director of Emergency Medicine Manly Hospital, NSW
For more information or to register contact Criterion Conferences on +61 2 9239 5700, visit www.accesstoemergency.com or email registration@criterionconferences.com.